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Acoustic Mandalas «Orient-Occident»

Mixed creation Hall of the Vigyan Bhawan, New-Dehli, India,
February 1997

D. Barthassat presented the world premiere of the «Acoustic Mandalas», an environmental blending of music, sculpture and scents. The «Acoustic Mandalas», symbolizing female and male energy, were in the hall of the Vigyan Bhawan throughout the Conference.
The visual and acoustic arrangement mixed with scents, develops our perception through a play of circulation between two poles. This voyage of sounds and scents leads to meditation as also suggested by the shape of the Mandala. The acoustic spacialisation of these environments is made through the «Stereolith» sound system. This pyramid-shaped stereophonic loudspeaker radiates sound everywhere.

Created for IPU's Inter-Parliamentary Specialized Conference on « Towards Partnership between Men and Women in Politics »

The Acoustic Mandalas were displayed at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland, for the 50th anniversary of India's independance, during the exhibition «The Spirit of India in the MAH collections», October 1997 - April 1998.

« Mandala Occident », 1997

« Mandala Orient », 1997
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